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Kimberly Longcake, ANP

Home 9 Provider 9 Kimberly Longcake




Pediatric Gastroenterology


Pediatric Gastroenterology


Kimberly Longcake, ANP, is an advanced nurse practitioner at Logan Health. Kimberly is a part of Logan Health Children’s and its team of more than 40 pediatric specialists. She practices at our Logan Health Specialty Clinic in Helena, where she provides pediatric gastroenterology care. Kim also travels monthly to our other specialty care clinics in Great Falls and Bozeman, helping to meet the needs of our Montana kids. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing at Montana State University in Bozeman, and her Master of Science Family Nurse Practitioner degree at the University of Alaska in Anchorage. Her professional interests are encopresis and constipation. She has spent several years working to improve access to gastroenterology specialty services for the kids of Montana through the outreach program.


Hospital Privileges

Logan Health Medical Center

Financial Assistance

This provider subscribes to the Logan Health Financial Assistance Program


Logan Health Children's Specialists
202 Conway Drive
Kalispell, MT 59901
P: (406) 758-7490
Logan Health Specialty Care – Helena
121 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite C
Helena, MT 59601
P: (406) 603-4900
Logan Health Specialty Care – Great Falls
2012 14th Street SW, Suite 1
Great Falls, MT 59404
P: (406) 604-4960