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Employee Giving

Home 9 Foundation 9 Ways To Give 9 Employee Giving

Your Legacy at Logan

We are so grateful to have you on our team. Beyond the talents and passions you bring to work each day, you can also impact our patients and communities through philanthropy. 

Make a donation or support events from your paycheck with payroll deduct, or through Round Up at our campus cafeteria to donate your change for good.

Volunteer for Logan Health events or participate in Employee Philanthropy Council (EPC).

Use your voice to promote Logan Health fundraising events, helping to raise awareness and generate enthusiasm among your colleagues and your community. 

Payroll Deduct = Easy and Meaningful Impact

Contribute to a fund of your choice in Workday–it’s easy! 
1. Log in to Workday
2. Go to “Pay” in the main menu
3. Under Reports, select “Voluntary Deductions”
4. Click “Add” and select “Foundation Donation” as the Deduction
5. Select the fund you’d like to donate to in the Purpose dropdown menu
6. Set the amount and frequency of your donation

7. Click Save and you’re done!


  • If you’re already donating via payroll deduct and you want to switch the fund and/or amount you contribute, delete your current deduction or EDIT it by setting the end date to today’s date. Then ADD a new deduction per the steps above. 
  • During Imagine a Day or CycleMT, you can use payroll deduct to donate as well! Just add another voluntary deduction, then select the fund, set the amount of your contribution and a duration for your donation.