Logan Health

Journey to Wellness Program

Do you want to thrive, not just survive?

This holistic program with proven results can set the course for your individualized success.  With a certified wellness coach and a 3-month Logan Health Medical Fitness Center membership, we will guide you as you forge ahead to realizing your THRIVING self.  

You will be paired up with one of our certified wellness coaches. Together, you will establish a personalized wellness vision and goals, identify potential barriers to success, brainstorm strategies to overcome barriers, and design a plan around establishing long-term success. You may choose from a variety of program offerings to find what works best for you.

Click here for a short video about the Journey to Wellness program!

Program Fee: Current Logan Health Medical Fitness Center Member: $199 / Non-member: $299

  • Payment plan options
  • Scholarships available
  • Extended programming options available*
  • Please inquire with Michele Maher, clinical coordinator at  (406) 751-4106.

Upon successful program completion, program participants receive a registration fee waiver! (savings worth $169.00)



Meet the Journey to Wellness Team

Michele Maher

Clinical Services Supervisor
Michele, as the Clinical Service Coordinator for the Journey to Wellness program, organizes all the behind the scene preparation and detail for new clinical members. She is passionate about helping people get started on a new path leading to positive changes in their lives. Chances are Michele will be the first person you interact with in the program. Michele enjoys cycling, hiking, skiing, and all activities on and around the water.

Favorite quote:

Always look beyond what you can see” ~ Mark A. Cooper

Jude Spors- Murphy

Jude Spors MurphyClinical Wellness Coach
Jude Spors-Murphy is a unique clinical wellness coach that has a background and years of experience in working as a therapist in the mental health and addiction field.  He also has years of experience in teaching people how to alpine ski.  Jude has moved his career into another direction by becoming a clinical wellness coach and being a ski guide for a local back country cat ski operation.  His focus now with people is to help them move into the future being more active, healthy and enjoying it more.  Jude is very active in life with many interests including cooking, all types of skiing, water and snow, breeding and competing with horses, wind surfing, sailing, hiking, mountain biking, doing different types of triathlons, kayaking, summiting mountains, playing team sports like volley ball and pickle ball.  He embraces life, the outdoors, nature, the mountains, lakes and the four seasons.

“Let Positivity Lead Your Way!!!”

Barbi Webber

Barbi WebberSurvivor, Mentor & Motivational Speaker
Barbi Webber is a Motivational Speaker and Mentor in the arena of Eating Disorders and Positive Body Image. She is a survivor of Anorexia and Bulimia and brings her survival journey together with a BSW from the University of Montana and a heartfelt yearning to make a difference in a persons healing from any flavor of disordered eating by sharing true understanding as well as cognitive and behavioral skills she created to heal.

Favorite Sayings:“Please, from my heart to yours…” 

“Stop in the moment, linger and express gratitude…”

“Forward motion, healing one positive bite at a time. Bless your journey”. ~ Barbi

Gwen Gates

Gwen GatesClinical Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer
Gwen is a National Board Certified Wellness Coach, an NASM Certified Personal Trainer & a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist.  Her unique combination of education and work experience has created a dedication to helping others develop a strong mind/body connection.  She is passionate about helping others, from young to young at heart, to create a healthy lifestyle which includes eating, exercise/physical activity, sleep, stress management and self compassion.

Favorite quote:
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” – Maya Angelou

Valerie Goss

Valerie GossClinical Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer
Like you, wellness coach and personal trainer Valerie Goss strives to be “well” in all areas of her life – mind, body, and soul.  This quest for ultimate health and happiness led her to begin her career in 2001 as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor.  Adding wellness coaching to the mix in 2017, she inspires and challenges you to go beyond what you would do alone.  With a passion for helping people realize their potential, she will guide you in setting realistic goals, and view obstacles as opportunities to learn and grow.  She is inspired by her fellow coaches and endeavors to live each day to the fullest.  Her goal is to wake up each day with a purpose and a heart full of joy!  When she is not at The Medical Fitness Center, she likes to jog and garden, but she spends most of her spare time chasing two fabulous teenage boys!

Teckla Putnam

Teckla PutnamClinical Wellness Coach, Personal Trainer
With a background in exercise science, I have been fortunate to spend all of my career in a hospital-based wellness center where it has been my passion to engage people in activity to overcome disease, enable healing or simply to be strong and fit for life.  I have enjoyed work in cardiac, pulmonary, cancer, eating disorder and athletic injury rehabilitation as well as personal training.  Montana is a very special place to live, work and play.  Helping people discover and remember why they want to be Well is a rewarding and energizing process to be a part of.   Hearing what delights, frustrates, excites and even puzzles us all about what it means to eat well, move more, stress less and have brighter health is a privilege.  Being creative together to discover new ways of supporting real and lasting change is my favorite aspect of coaching. We know that exercise and good nutrition will afford us better health but the challenges are the reason for an ally.

Deborah Harding

Deb HardingClinical Wellness Coach
I believe that “outside the box thinking” happens with a spirit of light-hearted fun and collaboration with a trusted partner. I particularly enjoy helping you connect with a wellness vision that resonates with your energy and gets the motivational juices flowing.  I offer my unwavering belief in your ability to be successful.  My subspecialty is empowering people to learn to live without nicotine and encouraging those in recovery.   I am convinced that what we can’t do alone – we can do together.  One of my favorite quotes is from Michelangelo: “I saw an angel in the stone and carved to set it free.”  A great coach helps us chip away at layers of clutter to reveal “your best self.”  To start your journey, send me a confidential email to dharding@logan.org.

Kathryn Mock, MBA, RDN, LN

Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
Licensed Nutritionist

Kathryn has over 15 years’ experience working with individuals in all areas of nutrition.  Her experience in the nutrition field spans from starting her career in the fitness industry, moving into corporate wellness, followed by clinical nutrition and food service management.  Her areas of interest include free fatty acid metabolism, weight management, weight loss (macros/macro cycling), gut health and understanding the gut microbiome, aiding individuals with disordered eating patterns or eating disorders and women’s health/hormonal imbalances.  Her overall goal is to truly aid individuals to navigate the surplus of information that is available and to achieve their personal health/nutrition goals and feel confident in their own skin.   In her spare time Kathryn enjoys running, skiing, hiking, playing with her dog and reading. 

Favorite quote, “Eat to live, don’t live to eat” – Benjamin Franklin 

Classes We Offer

J Walking

J Walking is a perfect opportunity to get outside and enjoy the outdoors!  It is a great time to go on a walk with people and talk, socialize and Nordic Walk if you want!!  People of all walking abilities are welcome and walk lengths vary depending on the energy of the participants.
J-Walking meets every Tuesday & Thursday @ 11 am in the Logan Health Medical Fitness Center lobby!

Tai Chi

Sometimes referred to as “Meditation in Motion”; research has demonstrated that the practice of Tai Chi improves many components of health including falls prevention. Journey to Wellness clients will learn to incorporate mindfulness into their Tai Chi practice and apply it to other spheres of life.
Monday & Wednesday 12pm – 1:00pm
Tuesday & Thursday 5:30pm – 6:30pm

Tai Chi

Pickle ball

Learn how to play the fastest growing sport in the U.S. Pickle ball is similar to and combines components of most racket sports (i.e. Tennis, Racket ball, Badminton and Ping Pong). It is a super fun game that is easy to learn for all ages and abilities.
Join us Monday mornings 10am – 11am for beginner pickle ball instruction!

SELF – Senior Exercise with a Life Focus

Meeting 2 times a week, this drop-in exercise time provides exercise supervision and progression in a group setting to support you in your wellness and fitness goals.  Contact Michele Maher @ 406-751-4106 for more information.
SELF meets:    Mondays & Wednesdays from 4:00pm – 5:30pm 

Forest Walks/Snowshoeing

Enjoy trails in our local forests through these beginner level group excursions!
This class is for anyone who wants to walk in nature and enjoy the beauty of our magnificent state, but don’t feel confident about doing it alone.
We meet, May – October for Forest Walks & snow dependent months for Snowshoeing, in one of the Logan Health Medical Fitness Center Conference Rooms for some pre-trail information.  Transportation to and from the location is the responsibility of the participant!
Participants pack their own drinking water, food, sunscreen, bug-spray, layered clothing for varied weather conditions, hiking poles (optional) and medications (as needed).

In order to join the walk you must be pre-registered and cleared with Jude Spors-Murphy.  Call 751-7189 to get signed up today!
See monthly calendar for details!

Forest Walk Schedule 2024

Success Stories

Claudia Ampudia – I’m happy again!

Claudia's Success StoryThe Journey to Wellness has been a lifesaver to me.  I have ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, type II diabetes, fibromyalgia, and other health issues.  Before I began my Journey, I couldn’t go grocery shopping.  Walking through the store was too painful for me.

I love going to the Summit now.  It’s my home away from home!  I take the HydroFit classes.  The water is great for me.  It is low impact on my joints and it’s FUN!  I enjoy SELF also.  The trainer tips are great.  Trina always teaches us something new.  The coaches always guide us to individualized workouts.  I also take the SAIL class – I love it!  There are SO many opportunities for each and every person I can’t begin to tell you all about them.

I can take care of my grandchildren now.  Which is such an accomplishment for me!  I can walk through airports!  Before my Journey, my husband had to push me in a wheelchair.  I can now cook dinner for my family.  I’ve not done that in years.  I have lost 30 pounds!  (30 pounds people!!!!)  I still have a lot to lose but this is a journey.  I’m also off a lot of my medications and greatly reduced my insulin and my A1C is going down!

My coach Gwen has helped me, guided me, encouraged me and has been my friend and cheerleader. 

Thank you Journey to Wellness for giving me my life back.  I’m happy again!

Ron Gunkel – I believe I can do it!

Ron Success StoryI have been in the “Journey to Wellness” program and have received information and help in improving my eating habits.  I have learned about foods through a supermarket class taught through the Summit as well as meal ideas.My wellness coach helped me set goals I wanted to attain and checked with me to see if I had been able to accomplish those goals.  My coach is always encouraging me.  I have been introduced to programs that might be of interest to me and I found them to be enjoyable!  I am taking Tai Chi and pickle ball; working on strength and balance; and swimming, something that has always been a challenge but I received instruction to help me improve.I want to remain active so I can enjoy life.  I have tried exercise programs before but I find that without a partner it is difficult to stay with any program. At the Summit, it is like having a partner.  Everyone shows interest in what I am doing and give me encouragement to go on and do more.
With the help and encouragement offered at the Summit, I believe I can do it!

Martha Hutaff – I will meet my goals for the first time in a long time!

There have been so many times in my life when I have joined one more gym only to lose my motivation and become discouraged.  After joining the Journey to Wellness program at Logan Health Fitness Center (formerly the Summit), I was so excited to get a fantastic coach, learn what to eat, and even how to eat.  These tools are essential, but the support and encouragement from all of the coaches has proved vital to my continuing enthusiasm and great success.  I am meeting my wellness goals daily.  In addition, all of the instructors are so encouraging and make each class easy to attend (especially if you are unsure of your ability).  This is the first year in a long time that I feel I will meet my wellness goals!

For more information about the Journey to Wellness Program:

Michele Maher, Clinical Services Supervisor
Phone: (406) 751-4106
E-mail: mmaher@logan.org
Fax: (406) 751-4121

Join our Journey to Wellness Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/LoganHealthFitness
(Like the Logan Health Fitness page and request to join the Journey to Wellness group)


Check back for announcements coming soon!